October 29


Math 8: p.88 #2-14, 16-25, 70-71 Challenge: 87-88,

Alg: p.231 #11-35 odd, 37-55 (x3), 77, 83

Sci: LTP Rough Draft is due Friday! Have your guardian read over it by Wednesday

October 23


Math 8: p.36 #14. There is a quiz tomorrow during class. Also, the unit test retake is tomorrow morning at 8 am.

Alg: Work on the study guide and study! Unit Test for Chapter 3 is tomorrow!

Science: STUDY and create a notecard for the Unit Test that is tomorrow!

October 22


Math 8: Finish problem 2.3 and p.34 #5, 8-12

Alg: p.211 #19-25 odds, Plus study guide

Sci: study guide for your test on Thursday. Also, LTP Rough Draft is due next Friday!

October 17


Math 8: p.23 #49, and the scientific notation worksheet

Adv Alg: p.164 #47-57 odd (solve 6 by hand using any method and check the rest of your equations using desmos to see if they line up with the textbook answers)

Science: LTP Outline is due now on Sunday by 9 pm. (Well done in class today!)

October 16


Math 8: p.16 #5-10

Adv Alg: p.164 #27-45 odd. Test retake is tomorrow morning at 8 am

Science: Finish the genetics review questions. LTP workday is tomorrow and the outline and notes are due on Friday by the end of the day.

October 15


Math 8: p.21 #21-40

Adv. Alg: p. 164 #11-25 odd, check your answers. Test retake is Thursday morning at 8 am.

Science: LTP outline and 40 notes are due this weekend!

October 11



  1. Turn in your Osmosis Lab Report (see the requirements in google classroom). Due Today.
  2. Work on your LTP! You should have at least 40 facts and the outline COMPLETED by next Friday
  3. Finish your Food Web and Classification Document